Interview in the run-up to the R&D Management conference 2022: “Frugal Digital Innovation and Transformation”

R&D Today conducts an interview with Suchit Ahuja, Rajnish Tiwari and
Stephanie Cadeddu in the run-up to the R&D Management Conference 2022.

Center for Frugal Innovation is also this year involved in the organization of a track at this year’s R&D Management conference (July 11-13, 2022) in Trento in Italy.

Track 2.15 with the title “Frugal Digital Innovation & Transformation: Impacting Business, Society, and the Environment”is being organized by Track Chairs: Suchit Ahuja (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada), Rajnish Tiwari (Hochschule Fresenius/Center for Frugal Innovation, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany), and Stephanie Cadeddu (Cégep du Vieux Montréal, Canada).

R&D Today, which is a publication outlet of the Research and Development Management Association (RADMA) spoke with the Chairs of this track. In their own words:

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Ökonomischer Druck im Gesundheitsbereich und die Bedeutung des “frugalen” Ansatzes

In der FAZ von heute (9.12.2015, S. N1) beklagt Prof. Dr. Gerd Hasenfuß, Direktor der Klinik für Kardiologie und Pneumologie an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen und zugleich Vorsitzender der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin e.V., den zunehmenden Kostendruck, dem Universitätskliniken Stand halten müssen. “Unter diesem ökonomischen Druck wird die Forschung an Universitätskliniken einbrechen – mit allen Folgen, die das für die Patientenversorgung, den Fortschritt und den Standort Deutschland hat”, so Prof. Hasenfuß.

Ist dies ein weiterer Indikator dafür, dass die Bedeutung des “frugalen” Ansatzes (“erschwingliche Exzellenz” / “affordable excellence”) auch in Deutschland zunehmen wird; nicht nur aber gerade in den Bereichen, wo die öffentliche Hand als Kostenträger von dieser Entwicklung betroffen ist?

(Rajnish Tiwari // 9. Dez. 2015)

Konsum in Zeiten «frugaler Innovationen»

Gastkommentar von Cornelius Herstatt in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung vom 10. Juni 2015

“Produkte werden immer komplexer. Das stört Konsumenten, die kein Geld für Funktionen ausgeben wollen, die sie als unnötig erachten. Firmen reagieren darauf und üben sich in «frugalen Innovationen».”

Auf weiterlesen….

Report: “OECD Says Economic Gains From Big Ships Are Sinking”

Frugal & efficient usage of resources gets into focus in the maritime industry

By: Rajnish Tiwari

Hamburg Port

Hamburg Port (Photo: R. Tiwari)

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal (June 3, 2015), “A new study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development suggests that operating cost benefits to ocean carriers may not be as valuable as originally assumed for the new round of megaships […]” The report raises the question whether “container ships [are] getting too big, too fast to justify the savings that shipping lines expect from economies of scale?” The OECD study was apparently presented at the 29th World Ports Conference in Hamburg. Main themes of interest underlying the conference are efficient and sparing usage of resources, surface areas, and energy, reports German newspaper Die Welt (3.6.2015):

“Hauptthemen der Konferenz sind der effiziente und sparsame Umgang mit Ressourcen, Flächen und Energie.”

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Interview: “Marktgerechte Produkte werden immer wichtiger”

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt and Dr. Rajnish Tiwari, co-founders of the Center for Frugal Innovation, were interviewed by Insight Asia Pacific, the house magazine of  OAV – German Asia Pacific Business Association, a renowned institution that, in its own words, “strives to promote stronger bilateral economic relationships between Germany and the Asia-Pacific region. Through its extensive corporate and institutional network, the OAV supports German companies and their ambitions in the Asia-Pacific region.”

The German-language interview spread over two pages was published in the issue 01/2015. The questions covered issues such as the reasons behind creation of R&D centers by German firms in Asia and the opportunities and challenges associated with them, the question of patents and the safety of intellectual property rights, and the potential of frugal innovations in the emerging economies of Asia. A PDF version of the interview is provided here with the kind permission of the publishers.

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