Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt and Dr. Rajnish Tiwari, co-founders of the Center for Frugal Innovation, were interviewed by Insight Asia Pacific, the house magazine of OAV – German Asia Pacific Business Association, a renowned institution that, in its own words, “strives to promote stronger bilateral economic relationships between Germany and the Asia-Pacific region. Through its extensive corporate and institutional network, the OAV supports German companies and their ambitions in the Asia-Pacific region.”
The German-language interview spread over two pages was published in the issue 01/2015. The questions covered issues such as the reasons behind creation of R&D centers by German firms in Asia and the opportunities and challenges associated with them, the question of patents and the safety of intellectual property rights, and the potential of frugal innovations in the emerging economies of Asia. A PDF version of the interview is provided here with the kind permission of the publishers.
“Die meisten Schwellenländer Asiens haben ihren Aufschwung als verlängerte Werkbänke realisiert. Mit erhöhtem Entwicklungsniveau steigt die dortige Nachfrage nach innovativeren Fertigungsverfahren und lokal angepassten Produkten. Die IAP hat mit zwei Innovationsforschern über die Potenziale und Herausforderungen der Internationalisierung von F&EAktivitäten gesprochen. […]”