A non-exhaustive list of events either (co-)organized by CFI/TIM-TUHH, or where a contribution in the form of a presentation/keynote/talk was made by a CFI/TIM-TUHH member on the topic of frugal innovation
- “‘Frugal Innovation‘ und die Internationalisierung der FuE: Hintergründe, Strategien, Fallstudien“, (English title: “Frugal Innovation and the Internationalization of R&D: Backgrounds, Strategies and Case Studies”) in cooperation with the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. and the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 9-10 October 2014.
- “Mastering the Frugal Challenge: Innovating for Global Growth through Affordable Solutions“, in cooperation with the European Institute for Technology and In-novation Management (EITIM) and German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg, Hamburg, 19 November 2013.
- “Scientific Dialogue: Mastering the Frugal Challenge – Intermediate Research Agenda and Avenues for Institutional Collaboration“, symposium with cooperation partners from academia and research institutions, Hamburg, 18 November 2013.
- “Indien als Herausforderung für ‘Hidden Champions’: Erfolgsfaktoren der Marktbearbeitung für deutsche Mittelständler“, (English title: The ‘Hidden Champions’ and the India Challenge: Market Entry and Cultivation Strategies for German ‘Mittelstand’) as a part of the 5th India Week Hamburg, in cooperation with the Hamburg Chamber of Commere, and German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg, 19 October 2013.
- “Grassroot Innovations: New Opportunities for Indo-German Cooperation?“, as a part of the 4th India Week Hamburg, in cooperation with the Hamburg Chamber of Commere, German-Indian Round Table (GIRT) Hamburg, and the National Innovation Foundation (India), 20 October 2011.
Apart from these events organized by CFI/TIM-TUHH we also participated with own contributions in the following high-calibre symposia:
- “Frugal Innovation: Ways forward for Concept, Theory and Practice“, Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August 9-13, 2013 – Lake Buena Vista (Orlando, USA).
- “Greening innovation for sustainable development: The role of lead markets and frugal innovations“, Workshop of the Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (German Development Institute), in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH und La Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL, also known as the Economic Commission for Latin America – ECLA), Bonn, 21. Mai 2013.
- “Annual conference of the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA)”, Warsaw, 6-7 June 2013