“India can show the way on health”

Teaser to an article in The Economist (21 Nov. 2012): “Innovative thinking can bring health care to the uninsured billions, argues Devi Shetty, founder and chairman, Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals”.

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“Innovating more with less in India”

An article on the GE Look ahead blog of The Economist says, “Solar-powered ATMs and other frugal energy projects point the way to a more sustainable global future”. Continue reading

Emerald confers “Highly Commended Paper” award for a paper dealing with frugal innovations

Emerald Literati Network 2013 Awards for Excellence

“Cornelius Herstatt and Rajnish Tiwari receiving their award at the Emerald Networking and Awards Presentation Evening held as part of AOM 2013, Orlando, Florida”. Photo: Emerald.

Publishing house Emerald has conferred a “Highly Commended Paper” award on “Assessing India’s lead market potential for cost-effective innovations“, a scholarly paper authored by Dr. Rajnish Tiwari and Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt in Journal of Indian Business Research. In an intimation to the corresponding author Emerlad informs:

Every year Emerald invites each journal’s Editorial Team to nominate what they believe has been that title’s Outstanding Paper and up to three Highly Commended Papers from the previous year (2012). Your paper has been included among these and I am pleased to inform you that your article entitled ‘Assessing India’s lead market potential for cost-effective innovations’ published in Journal of Indian Business Research has been chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013.

The award winning papers are chosen following consultation amongst the journal’s Editorial Team, many of whom are eminent academics or practitioners. Your paper has been selected as it was one of the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2012.

The journal article may be downloaded here.

A Working Paper version is available without any time limit.