Frugale Innovation: Wissenschaftliche Einordnung eines neuen Innovationsbegriffs

Ein neues Arbeitspapier von Cornelius Herstatt und Rajnish Tiwari setzt sich mit der Frage der wissenschaftlichen Einordnung des Begriffs “frugale Innovation” auseinander. Zielsetzung des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, frugale Innovation einzuordnen und von anderen, verwandten Innovations-Konzepten (“Jugaad”, “Bottom of the Pyramid” und “Reverse Innovation”) abzugrenzen. Die Autoren schlagen einen Katalog von Bestimmungsfaktoren für frugale Innovation vor. Die Bestimmungsfaktoren werden anhand von Beispielen erläutert. Ferner gehen die Autoren auf ausgewählte betriebswirtschaftliche Instrumente (Wertanalyse, Target Costing, innovative Analogien) ein, die bei der Realisierung von frugaler Innovation genutzt werden können.

Details: Working Paper 88 (Institut für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement der TU Hamburg-Harburg / PDF, ca. 640 KB)


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New article: “Positioning India as an Innovation-Driven Economy”

YojanaA new magazine article by Rajnish Tiwari on India’s still-less-recognized foray into innovativeness and why global rankings can sometimes paint an erroneous picture of the true extent of this phenomenon. The article has been published in “Yojana“, a multi-lingual magazine published by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India (Vol. 58, Nov. 2014, pp. 45-48).

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Imperative of Frugal Innovations for Emerging Markets and Beyond

A Report on the Schmalenbach-TUHH Symposium

 By: Dr. Rajnish Tiwari

A group photo of symposium participants / photo: TIM-TUHH/Göldner

On the 9th and 10th October 2014 a well-received symposium on the topic of frugal innovation was held at the premises of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). The symposium, carrying the title “Frugal Innovation” und die Internationalisierung der FuE: Hintergründe, Strategien, Fallstudien (English title: “Frugal Innovation and the Internationalization of R&D: Backgrounds, Strategies and Case Studies”) was organized by the Working Group on Innovation Management of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (hereafter SG) in collaboration with the Center for Frugal Innovation (hereafter CFI) of TUHH. The symposium with close to 45 participants from the industry and academia was well-attended and saw some very interesting contributions by invited speakers. The insights generated here through a unique setting of business/academia interaction can potentially push the envelope of research and help expand the currently limited understanding of frugal innovations.

(Note: For a PDF version of this article click here, otherwise you may continue reading in HTML format)

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New paper: “Global Innovation Strategies of German Hidden Champions in Key Emerging Markets”

Working_Paper_85A new paper by Stephan Buse and Rajnish Tiwari of the Center for Frugal Innovation at the Hamburg University of Technology that examines product and market cultivation strategies employed by German mid-sized firms (“Mittelstand”) in the BRIC nations, especially China and India. The paper was preseneted at the XXV ISPIM Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society, Dublin, Ireland on 8-11 June 2014.

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New paper: “Frugal innovation and analogies: some propositions for product development in emerging economies”

Working_Paper_84A new paper that seeks to generate some preliminary insights on the use of inventive analogies in the process of creating frugal innovations. The paper has been authored by Rajnish Tiwari, Katharina Kalogerakis and Cornelius Herstatt and was presented at the recently-held R&D Management Conference (June 3-6, 2014) in Stuttgart.

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