Featured publication: “Made in India for the World”

Made in India for the World: An Empirical Investigation into Novelty and Nature of Innovations

Authors: Daniel Tobias Hagenau, Rajnish Tiwari

Abstract: After an initial introduction into the areas of innovations within emerging markets, the study develops a consistent innovation typology for categorizing large data samples from a variety of existing literature. It then describes and finally evaluates a sample of 178 innovations for the Indian market based on 38 different criteria. It uses internet-based news reports over a 2 year timeframe for the study sample.

TLead Market Indiahe study’s results show a considerable amount of radical innovations and innovations with disruptive potential among the sample and a special concentration on small- and micro-sized innovators from India. It confirms previous suggestions that India is especially focused on innovations within the software and electronics engineering sectors. The results also support the importance of local knowledge and ‘social capital’ for successful disruptive innovation. Finally, a perceivable increase in the technology orientation of innovations by foreign companies suggests a continuous build-up of local technology-competence and foreign trust in the same.

A focus on local competencies and the leading position of India concerning innovative distribution are among the managerial implication of the study. It also opens numerous avenues for future research, expanding both depth and scale of the database as well as the analysis underlying this study.

[Check the publisher’s version]

[Read the unedited, authors’ version]

Keywords: Frugal Innovation; India; Innovation Typology; Disruptive Innovation; Local Competencies 

Suggested citation: Hagenau D.T., Tiwari R. (2017) Made in India for the World: An Empirical Investigation into Novelty and Nature of Innovations. In: Herstatt C., Tiwari R. (eds) Lead Market India. India Studies in Business and Economics. P. 163-192, Springer, Cham

The featured publications series

With this article, CFI is introducing a new series of “featured publications” with the intention to share its select contributions to the social and scholarly discourse with the broad community. Some of these article have been published in mediums that are not freely available to the public. In such cases, we will seek to provide access to unedited, authors’ versions of the publications, wherever feasible.

Einladung zum Workshop “Potenziale frugaler Innovationen für Österreich” in Wien

Rat für Forschung und TechnologieentwicklungDer Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung und die TU Hamburg (Center for Frugal Innovation) laden zu einem Workshop zum Thema “Potenziale frugaler Innovationen für Österreich” am 17. April 2018 (10-13 Uhr) in Wien ein.

Im Rahmen des Workshops werden die Zwischenergebnisse der laufenden Studie vorgestellt. Des Weiteren wird mit Vertretern aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft über die (wirtschaftliche) Relevanz frugaler Innovationen in kleinem Kreis diskutiert. Ein besonderer Fokus der Studie liegt auf der nachhaltigen Sicherung der globalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeitcropped-CFI_Signet_E_CMYK_print1.jpg österreichischer Unternehmen (insbesondere KMU).

Im Vordergrund steht dabei auch die Frage, ob innovationspolitischer Handlungsbedarf in Österreich besteht und welche Maßnahmen Unternehmen dabei unterstützen könnten, frugale Innovationen in ihr Produktportfolio aufzunehmen und erfolgreich zu kommerzialisieren.Der Workshop findet in Kooperation mit der corporAID Plattform statt.

Veranstaltungsort: Büro des Rats für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, Pestalozzigasse 4/D1

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte per Email (g.reitschuler@rat-fte.at) bis zum 10. April 2018 an. Die Teilnehmeranzahl ist begrenzt.

Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte diesem PDF-Dokument.


corporAID Plattform

Guest lecture on frugal innovation at TU Graz

Prof. Dr. Christian Ramsauer (l.) with Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt (r). Photo: IIM.

Prof. Dr. Christian Ramsauer (l.) with Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt (r). Photo: IIM.

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt was invited to deliver a guest lecture on the theme of frugal innovation at the Institute of Innovation and Industrial Management (IIM) of TU Graz (Graz University of Technology). He was hosted by Prof. Dr. Christian Ramsauer, director of IIM. The audience was an interdisciplinary group of Master students from various faculties. Prof. Herstatt spoke about the increasingly-apparent global need for frugal innovations in both developing and the industrialized world. Furthermore, he showcased an example about how frugal innovation projects can be technologically and organizationally implemented in a multinational company in the settings of economically-developed nations. The results were based on a recent project of CFI with a large international manufacturer of machine and tools industry.

This was the second time Prof. Herstatt visited TU Graz to speak on frugal innovations. There is a growing interest of the Austrian industry in this topic and both institutes (CFI@TIM/TUHH and IIM@TU Graz) intend to collaborate in research, teaching and advising companies.

CFI investigates potential relevance of frugal innovations for Austria

Austrian Council

CFI has initiated a project to investigate the potential relevance of frugal innovations for Austria in cooperation with the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development. The project seeks to examine the potential relevance of innovative products, services, processes and technologies aimed at achieving “affordable excellence” for Austrian enterprises in the backdrop of shifting centers of economic growth, changes in consumer behavior, global societal challenges and last-but-not-least the increasing resource-constraints.

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New working paper: “The Question of a Frugal Mindset in Western MNCs”

A new working paper by our CFI colleagues Malte Krohn and Cornelius Herstatt looks at “The question of a frugal mindset in western MNCs – exploring an emerging phenomenon with a systematic literature review” (Working Paper no. 103, TIM/TUHH)

TIM-TUHH Working Paper (representational image)

TIM-TUHH Working Paper (representational image)

Frugal innovation in the context of developed ecomomies has witnessed increasing interest in recent years. For Western multinational companies (MNCs) emerging markets represent promising opportunities for growth as well as the threat of new local competitors. Furthermore, economic developments drive the demand for frugal products within Western countries. Succesfully mastering this challenge means that Western MNCs have to challenge prevailing paradigms within their organizations. Literature suggests that these companies have to develop a frugal mindset to succeed in frugal innovation. However, to the best of our knowledge no publication addresses the phenomenon on an empirical basis or provides enough detail for further empirical investigation. To address this gap, we conducted a systematic literature review of 80 publications in the frugal innovation field.

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