We are very pleased to invite interested researchers, business persons, representatives of industry associations, policy makers and members of civil society to our conference on “Potentials of Frugal Innovation” in Hamburg, Germany, on 27 September 2017.
The conference marks the conclusion of our BMBF supported research project entitled “Potentials, challenges and societal relevance of fugal innovations in the context of the global competition for innovation.” Partners of this ITA-project are the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy in Leipzig and the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at the Hamburg University of Technology.
During the conference, we will present and discuss our research results concerning frugal innovation pathways that we have identified using the example of the Indian and German auto-component industry. We also present recommendations for the German research and innovation system. The project results will be supplemented by talks of external experts, including Prof. Aravind Chinchure, an innovation expert from India. Other speakers/panelists include Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke, Ms. Christine Ax and Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt, apart from the project team consisting of Dr. Luise Fischer, Dr. Katharina Kalogerakis and Dr. Rajnish Tiwari. The targeted audience will represent persons from science, industry and policy arena.
Details & preliminary agenda (PDF, 112 KB)
Participation in the event is free of charge, but requires a prior registration. For registration please write an e-mail to Dr. Katharina Kalogerakis (katharina.kalogerakis@tuhh.de)
Related publications from this project can be found here.